Butt plug for men: Enjoy heavy adrenalin rush
April 22, 2019

Modern sex shops provide a huge selection of products not only for women, but also for representatives of the strong half of humanity. Hence do men have better orgasm with butt plug? If you set yourself the goal of buying a butt plug for your relationship, first read, at least briefly, the most popular items of adult stores such as Love Plugs, keeping as a rule the fact that men’s butt plug should not only give you unthinkable pleasure, but also perform a healing function.
Many plug-in combine several functions, but still, if you can afford it, it’s better to have several anal plug-ins. Many men who are inexperienced in matters of anal love often have a question: does anal plug for men differ from the same accessory intended for women in the beautiful half of humanity? Probably, most models of anal plugs can be used by both sexes with the same success, and the choice of plug depends on individual desires and needs. But before you make a choice, you should have at least a general idea of ??the huge variety of model and size range of this popular and loved by many men sex toys.
Anal plug for prostate stimulation
If you finally decided to buy a butt plug and take care of your health, you should pay attention to sex toys with a curved tip. It is this form of cork that can protect you from such a terrible disease as prostatitis, with all the ensuing consequences: weakening of erection, early ejaculation, and sexual dysfunction. I would not like to frighten the reader, but many men start to have problems with the prostate gland to some extent. Prophylaxis in the form of prostate massage with the help of an anal plug can help to avoid all these troubles that can greatly complicate the life of a man.
When choosing the anal plug as a prostate stimulator, give preference to a curved plug of medium or small size. It is very good, if on packing with an anal toy there will be a corresponding marking. The curved shape of the anal plug will not only take care of the health of your prostate, but also provide a fabulous massage sensation! Such plugs, plunging deep into the anus, will gently and gently stimulate the walls of the anus, while at the same time affecting the prostate, which is also often called the male point G, because it is the source of incredible sexual pleasure. Prostate stimulants can be made of various materials, but most often it is PVC, silicone, medical alloys, and glass.
Butt plugs for wearing
In order to prolong the pleasure and make it painfully desirable, you can buy a plug for wearing, because stimulation of the anal zone and the anus itself can insanely excite and deliver great erotic pleasure, especially if you use it with sex swings of love. Such an anal plug has a more miniature, but at the same time a reliable stop, which allows you to remove the cork from the anus at the right time, but it is conveniently located between the buttocks and does not rub the delicate zone. The compact stopper of such a tube is not noticeable under clothing, does not cause irritation of the delicate skin of the ass. The inner part of the anal plug is better to choose not too wide and not too flexible, in order to make any manipulations with it not difficult. In addition, too soft butt plug for wearing will slightly stimulate the anus, too long – to hinder your movements during daily activities. Many men enjoy only the awareness of the fact that they are engaged in something forbidden and very piquant while in crowded places.